How to earn your first $60 on amazon bounty programs

Beyond purchasing on amazon, there are much more ways to make money . Amazon bounty program is one of the various ways to earn money on amazon. Other ways include amazon kindle publishing, amazon affiliate program, merch by amazon, selling product etc. Learn more about the amazon bounty program here.
Why you should join the amazon bounty scheme
The reason why I love the amazon bounty program amongst other passive income source or affiliate programs is because there are many that requires just getting people to sign up or subscribe for free trials and guess what, you get amazing bounty ranging from $3 to $15. Yes! you heard me right. So just imagine that you refer 10 people to join two of the programs with $3 for each. That is $3 times 2 which is equal to $6 from each person and $6 times 10 people is equal to $60 per day. If you do due diligence you can make up to $60 times 30days which is equal to $1800 dollars. Let’s do a quick conversion to naira. $1800 times 700 is equal to 1,260,000 naira. Wao! 1.26 million naira. Yes! It’s very possible. If by chance you think you can’t achieve 10 people per day then, try 5 people per day that is 630,000 naira. This can pay 5 people or more on the average. Well, enough of the analysis. Let’s dive into the nitty gritty of the whole process,
Step by step guide to start earning on the amazon bounty program
Step one: Sign up as an amazon associate
To make your signing up process seamless follow the guide below. After clicking on the amazon associate link above, this pops up. Click the sign-up button.
Enter your email and desired password in the input fields.
Fill your details and create your amazon account. Solve the puzzle and you’re set.
Once you have solved the puzzle correctly, you will be redirected to verify your email. Enter the One Time Password (OTP) sent to your registered email. You will also be required to enter your phone number and then also fill the OTP sent to your number. Finally click the create your amazon account button.
Fill your details. Note that payee name should be as stated in your Payoneer or payment method. For the website, it is advised that you create a Facebook page, blog, landing page or website. Using a WhatsApp or telegram link could get you account banned, so be guided and avoid stories that touches. Click next to continue.
Confirm it. Preferred associate ID should be your full name without spacing. Fill what your website is about. It could vary from a blog to social media or a store. Just fill as appropriate.
Follow the images above as a guide, complete the application and get your congratulatory message. Did I just mention complete the application? Hmnn… Well, there are still few more things to sought. Don’t get tired as this is just a one-time step to earning passively. Come on let’s keep going.
Step two: Set up your account information (payoneer)
Scroll down the congratulatory page to get this image.
If you have payoneer or any other payment method accepted by Amazon, click now, otherwise click later. You can also just minimize the page and open another page to sign up on payoneer platform. Click here for detailed steps needed for creating your payoneer account.
Once you are done setting up your payoneer, go back to click now on the congratulatory page. You will be required to do a two step verification by filling an OTP sent to your mobile number.
To get the information to fill, sign in to your payoneer. Click on the “get paid” on the sidebar menu then on receiving account, then on the USA card, go to view details to get all the information needed.
Step three: Choose your desired bounty program
Once bank account has been added successfully, click on the menu icon on the top left corner and choose Amazon Bounty Program. Select see all bounties. You will find all the available bounties. Carefully study and select the one that matches your interest or niche. You will have access to link or banner that can be used on your websites. See sample below:
Step four: Fill your tax information.
Based on your country, fill the tax details. Go to the top right notification icon. Select tax information and follow the images below
Save and preview. Then, Submit form and exit interview.
At last, we are done. If you have followed through, congratulations! You are now set to start earning.
My Best Amazon Bounty Program
Well, the word best is relative. All I mean is simply my choice and you can also be a partaker of the bounty, just like me. These bounties are stress free and has high conversion rate since it requires no subscription fee. These are wedding registry and baby registry. Try out baby registry. Don’t be left out of the wedding registry bounty too.